Somatic Movement with Sue Webb @6pm

materialicons-sharp-854 3306 Charles Page Blvd West O'Main

materialicons-sharp-2438 Tuesday, October 22 2024 from 01:00 AM to 02:00 AM

Instructor: Sue Webb

(See Profile in Wompan Directory)

VIRTUAL CLASS NOW AVAILABLE.  See below for sign-up info.

Many issues like chronic pain, joint wear, and recurring injuries stem from how we use our bodies daily – the way we sit, stand, and move. Our nervous system plays a key role in guiding these actions, signaling which muscles to engage, when to relax, and how to hold ourselves even when we're at rest.

Over time, our nervous system learns these movements, and repetitive actions become ingrained as muscle memory. While muscle memory helps us navigate life more efficiently, it can also reinforce habits that contribute to discomfort, like consistently favoring one leg when standing.

Somatic Movement offers a way to retrain these deep-seated patterns by actively engaging the nervous system through slow, mindful movements. These techniques help release chronic muscle tension and restore natural, pain-free movement, allowing your body to move with greater ease and without strain.


$15 Per Attendee ($12 for Wompans) Discounted packages available at

Go to the following link to sign up for this virtual class: